Why Kitchen Simplicity Matters

sometimes we just want to get dinner on the table...
i see you, at the end of the long day looking at your meal plan (if you even got around to making one this week) thinking WHY DID I PLAN THAT. it may be a complicated recipe you've never tried before that you're sure your darling children with stick up their noses at. it may be a "healthy" meal that even YOU aren't looking forward to, but you feel it's your duty to make and eat. it takes every last bit of your remaining will power for the day not to call and order pizza.
i see you because I AM YOU.
this (short) season of feeding our families feels long on demands and short on free time. we know we want to cherish the family dinners, but it usually ends in a kitchen meltdown (mom included). now more than ever simplicity is NEEDED.
when we complicate anything, we are creating a barrier to entry. when we complicate food, we set expectations around it that seem unattainable. these lofty expectations often cause us to throw in the towel before we've even begun.
so let's simplify. let's pare down. let's make simple food that tastes good. let's let go of the "should's" and focus on the "want to's." make food that doesn't take hours. make food that your kids want to eat. make food that YOU want to eat. use real ingredients and put them together in a lovely and delicious way.
simplicity matters because we have better things to do than stress out about dinner.


The Anatomy of a Balanced Plate